Foundations of Management, Leadership, and Marketing in Dental Clinics

Are you looking to kick-start a venture but not sure where to begin? or
do you aim to improve and achieve success in your clinic management?
If so, this course is for you
featuring Dr. Sònia Carrascal

  • 17 lessons
  • 32 self-assessment questions
  • Bonus track: lesson 17 + articles
  • Final exam to obtain the Autrán Certificate
  • Fully in Spanish

Foundations of Management, Leadership, and Marketing in Dental Clinics

Are you looking to kick-start a venture but not sure where to begin? Or do you aim to improve and achieve success in your clinic management? If so, this course is for you.

Dr. Sònia Carrascal

  • 17 lessons
  • 32 self-assessment questions
  • Bonus track: lesson 17 + articles
  • Final exam to obtain the Autrán Certificate
  • Fully in Spanish
Buy 310$
VAT included


17 lessons.
32 self-assessment questions.
Final exam to obtain the Autrán Certificate.
Bonus Track: Lesson 17 + articles.
Streaming: View all content at your own pace as many times as needed.
Accessibility: You have 12 months from the moment of purchase.
Fully in Spanish


One of the aspects I always consider when preparing a training plan is: What would I have wanted to be explained when I was training in management? What would I expect as a student?

The first message I want to convey is to regard MANAGEMENT as a process (a change, habits sustained over time) and not as a one-time event (I attend a course, and that’s it).

Management: an unresolved subject in dental clinics

It is evident and logical to think that a good dentist has to know about dentistry, requiring formal training to practice and treat patients. In most cases, the dentist is the one who manages the clinic, and for this, we have not received any specific training during our professional education.

Just as it is unthinkable to treat patients without being trained in different specialties, we cannot effectively manage a dental clinic without training in management, accounting, human resources, marketing, and quality.
It is a responsibility we have, both to our patients and our clinic, and also to our profession. We cannot leave decision-making to chance. Relying solely on our goodwill and the desire for everything to work is not enough; we have to PROFESSIONALIZE the business aspect of the clinic because, whether we like it or not, a dental clinic is a business.

In the sessions, we provide content on management function, leadership, accounting, processes, clinic organization, while also working on the discipline to implement it in our daily lives.

Knowledge without practical application does not change results. That’s why we emphasize the importance of exercises and actions applied from the first day to your clinic, involving the entire team.

It is clear that dental clinics need to be managed, and to do so, we need prior planning and organization that we often overlook.

  • We start by analyzing the current situation of the clinic, progress by creating the framework to work on and setting objectives to focus on. From there, you can think about actions to achieve them, and it is very important to establish indicators to measure the results.
  • The most important pillar of all clinics is the team, the people who make all the “theory” a reality, and we give great importance to working on the work environment and cohesion.
  • We cannot forget the financial aspect; understanding the clinic’s profitability and how we can optimize our resources is essential to reinvest in continued growth.



  1. Block 1: STRATEGY
    1. Lesson 1: Why do I need to know about management? (Free Demo)
    2. Lesson 2: Know your clinic: Define your strategy (Free Demo)
    3. Lesson 3: How to be an entrepreneur without ceasing to be a dentist (management role I)
    4. Lesson 4: How to be an entrepreneur without ceasing to be a dentist (management role II)
    1. Lesson 5: Basic accounting concepts (I)
    2. Lesson 6: Basic accounting concepts (II)
    3. Lesson 7: Key indicators you need to know about your clinic
    4. Lesson 8: Dashboard
  3. Block 3: TEAM
    1. Lesson 9: Corporate culture. Leadership.
    2. Lesson 10: The 5Cs of the ideal team.
    3. Lesson 11: Teamwork. Protocols.
  4. Block 4: PATIENT CARE
    1. Lesson 12: Communication with the patient. Loyalty-building.
    2. Lesson 13: Patient journey. First visit protocol.
    1. Lesson 14: Internal marketing
    2. Lesson 15: External marketing
    3. Lesson 16: Online marketing
  6. Bloque 6: BONUS TRACK
    1. Bonus track: Lesson 17: Success factors
    2. Bonus track: Bibliography + Articles
  7. Final Exam

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Foundations of Management, Leadership, and Marketing in Dental Clinics
Are you looking to kick-start a venture but not sure where to begin? or
do you aim to improve and achieve success in your clinic management?
If so, this course is for you
featuring Dr. Sònia Carrascal
Buy 310$
VAT included