Smile makeover with composite veneers
Laminated composite front from A to Z
- STL download of treated case
- 55 self-assessment questions
- Final exam to obtain the Autrán Certificate
- Real case with a patient
- 30 lessons
- Bonus track: Interview with patient
Fully in Spanish

Smile makeover with composite veneers
Laminated composite front from A to Z
Fernando Autrán
The complete smile makeover process, from analyzing and designing the new smile to the final finish.
*VAT included
- STL download of treated case
- 55 self-assessment questions
- Final exam to obtain the Autrán Certificate
- Real case with a patient
- 30 lessons
- Bonus track: Interview with patient
Fully in Spanish

You might be thinking, “another composite course”, but before you move on, I’d like to ask you: Have you ever experienced composite veneers turning grayish? Has anyone explained why it might happen and taught you how to avoid it? Do you want to learn how to create models for your cases without needing any wax?
To carry out a veneer case, we first need to create a design: Are you clear on the aesthetic patterns of the smile and how to reproduce them? Which composite should you use for each layer, and why?
In this course, and for the first time, I want to explain to you through a complete case, from start to finish, how we work in our daily practice when dealing with a complex smile design.
Certainly, we’ll see many clinical cases during the course, but we’ll use a complex case as the guiding thread throughout, and I’ll show you step by step exactly what we do in the clinic.
I’ve divided the course into two major blocks.
- In the first block, we’ll cover the entire preparation of a case. From the detailed analysis of the case, helping us to review smile patterns and create an initial 2D design, through the wax-up of the case (which, as you’ll see, even if you don’t know how to wax, I provide solutions to do it), to the silicone guide, helping us transfer what we’ve designed in 3D to the patient’s teeth.
- In the second block, I’ll explain how to create composite veneers using the direct stratification technique. First, we’ll review the most important aspects of the optical and physical properties of composites.
Thanks to this, we’ll know which composites to choose in each case, without fear of making mistakes in the final result. Understanding the optical behavior and correctly managing the opacity and translucency of different composites are crucial to achieving natural and predictable results.
Of course, we’ll do the stratification step by step, with detailed videos of the entire technique and practical tips so that you, in your office, can replicate and follow to achieve the same results as I do in my patient.
This course is designed for you to progress with me from diagnosis to the final result. With explanatory videos, diagrams, photographs, material tips, etc., you can practice in your office and acquire the skills to handle even the most complex cases.
What will you learn in this course?
- Introduction to aesthetics with composites
- Composites: Composition 1
- Composites: Composition 2
- Case presentation: record-taking
- Smile analysis and planning 1: tooth size
- Smile analysis and planning 2: Dental exposure
- The mock-up and its importance
- Designing an asymmetric case
- Wax-ups and direct mock-up
- Final color and strategy in preparations (Free Demo)
- Additive wax-ups
- Aesthetics and function: anterior guide
- Pre-restoration aligners
- Digital vs. traditional wax-ups
- Color in composites 1
- Color in composites 2: dentin
- Color in composites 3: translucency and opacity
- Color in composites 4: importance of layer thickness
- Absolute isolation and preparations
- Acid etching and bonding
- Clinical case, step by step: palatal enamel
- Clinical case, step by step: dentin
- Clinical case, step by step: effect enamel, halo makeup, and frame.
- Clinical case, step by step: vestibular enamels, chromatic and achromatic. (Free Demo)
- Adjustment, polishing, and finishing
- Occlusal adjustment 1
- Occlusal adjustment 2
- Final adjustment, secondary anatomy, and tertiary anatomy
- Severe discolorations, mimetic aesthetics, and copying
- Stratification with Opaquer
Free Master Classes
To experience our Autrán Dental Academy Online format, we have prepared 2 free Master Classes as part of the course.
Try these 2 free Master Classes and if you decide to access the complete course after completing the free content, you can make the purchase.